- Lothian Pension Fund LGPS Investment Front Office System
- Marketing Edinburgh
- New approach to delivery of mediation service
- Night-time staffing element in care contracts
- Our Behaviours
- Our Future Council People Strategy 2021-2024
- Paperless benefit forms
- Plant Based Treaty Action Plan
- Procurement savings on independent contracts
- Procurement specification - outplacement services
- Re-prioritisation of staff training budget
- Redesign care pathways for mental health and addiction service
- Reduce bed and breakfast and temporary accommodation budget
- Reduce expenditure on agency staff
- Reduce headcount and employee cost
- Reduce provision of festive lights and trees
- Reduce the Volunteer Support Team
- Reduce third sector - partner agency grants
- Reduced staffing ratios in day services for people with disabilities
- Reduction in Activcity budget
- Reduction in events partnership funding
- Reduction in Older People's Resource and Development Team
- Reduction in service payment - Edinburgh Leisure
- Reduction in sickness absence costs, overtime costs and agency staffing
- Reduction in third party payments
- Reform parking charge structure
- Review of garden waste collection
- Review of libraries' opening hours
- Review Taxi Card provision
- Review value for money in supported bus services
- Risk Appetite Statement 2023
- Risk Management Policy 2023
- Savings from innovation and meeting needs more flexibly though new assessment process
- Savings from the parking contract
- Severance Arrangements
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Smoke Free Policy
- Social strategy grants
- Special Leave Policy
- Statutory Review of the Scheme for Community Councils and Boundaries
- Strategic planning and performance savings
- Strategic Workforce Plan 2021-2024
- Suicide Prevention Toolkit
- Sundry Debt Policy - MTIS
- Sustainable Procurement Strategy IIA
- VERA Senior Managers and Heads of Service
- Workforce Equality Policy
- Workforce Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2024 to 2028
- Workforce savings general