- Addictions and blood borne virus services review
- Alternative to secure care, intensive support and electronic monitoring
- Assisted travel transport
- Business services staffing reduction
- Children affected by parental substance misuse services redesign
- Commissioning and procurement of independent advocacy services
- Community Justice - Willow Centre
- Community living, enablement and resilience
- Disability day care commissioning and procurement plan
- Domestic abuse policy
- Edinburgh Joint Carers Strategy
- Edinburgh's Autism Plan
- Expand home care reablement
- Further enhancement of Social Care Direct
- Grants coproduction carer supoprt
- Greater use of Technology Enabled Care (TEC)
- Home-care and Reablement Service - Introduction of Electronic Monitoring
- Implementation of 12 hour shift pattern
- Joint Carers Strategy 2014-17
- Kinship Support January 2015
- Live Well in Later Life 2012-22
- One-to-one day services contract tender
- Oxgangs Firrhill Nuek services
- Personalisation programme
- Procurement of Care and Repair Service for Edinburgh
- Procurement of EADP services
- Procurement of new care home for adults with complex needs
- Redesign of Through Care services for short term offenders
- Reduction in Operational Budget for Community Services
- Review day care services
- Savings on services for substance misuse
- Specialist care home places
- Supporting supported accommodation providers to claim Intensive Housing Benefit
- Transition Policy