Parent groups

How the groups work

This guide explains the different ways we engage with parents of children at our schools.  

There are five groups involved

  • parent forum
  • parent council
  • mainstream schools parent group and special schools parent group
  • Consultative Committee with Parents
  • Education Children and Families Committee. 

The groups aim to

  • support parents in getting engaged with their child’s learning and spreads examples of good practice in this
  • ensure we communicate well with schools, parents and parent groups
  • keep parents satisfied with our schools.

Parent forum 

The parent forum is the term used to refer to all parents and carers of children at a school.

How the groups relate to each other

The parent forum decides on the type of parent council they think best suits the school. Before a parent council can be set up, their constitution is approved by the parent forum.

Representatives from parent councils meet to discuss local issues as locality groups.

Issues and ideas from the meetings of locality groups are taken to the Consultative Committee with Parents and then on to the Education Children and Families Committee. These two groups include parents, elected members, head teachers and councillors.

Parental engagement