Consultative Committee with Parents (CCwP)
The CCwP is a forum that gives parents from across the city the chance to discuss citywide and national issues with members of our staff and other groups.
The CCwP meets four times a year. Agendas and papers are sent out one week before the meetings. Each agenda is planned by four parents from the CCwP.
Get involved
Parent members are chosen at the meetings of the mainstream and special schools parent groups.
One parent from the CCwP is put forward to take part in the Education Children Families Committee. This post lasts up to four years.
Membership - 7 members
- Convener and Vice-Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee
- 2 Conservative members, 1 SNP member, 1 Green member, 1 SLD member
Other Members
- Twelve parent representatives from the Mainstream Schools Parent Group
- Two parent representatives from the Special Schools Parent Group
- One head teacher from each sector on a rota basis
- One representative from the National Parent Forum
- One representative from the Scottish Parent Teacher Council
The Consultative Committee with Parents is a forum which:
- provides discussion and consultation with parents on citywide and national issues
- provides a parent perspective at local and national level
- identifies common areas of discussion
- makes a recommendation to the Council on the appointment of a parent representative (non-voting) to the Education Children and Families Committee
- ensures parent groups eg. National Parent Forum and Scottish Parent Teacher Council are represented
- communicates with neighbourhood groups and the wider parent councils.